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The Eco-Schools supervising and test project

This report is the final report of the “Eco-Schools Supervising and Test Project”. The work of this project include to hold an eco-schools superior workshop, integrate eco-schools certification between U.S.A and Taiwan, coach Jian-An Elementary School and Sacred Heart High School for Girls for eco-schools awards, coach the other two schools for becoming eco-schools, and to update information in Taiwan eco-schools website. This project has been in accordance with the EPA's regulations and instructions to complete all the work. The results were summarized as follows: 1.Held an eco-schools superior workshop, with a total of 21 participants. Invited Ms. Laura Hickey, senior director of NWF, and Ms. Elizabeth Soper, associate director of NWF, to train Taiwan’s eco-schools team. 2.Integrated eco-schools certification between U.S.A and Taiwan, in agreement to adopt joint certification. 3.Coached Jian-An Elementary School and Sacred Heart High School for Girls for eco-schools awards, including assistance in gathering information and translation, etc. 4.Invited Hu-San Elementary School and Jin-Hu Junior High School to join eco-schools, and Completed the online registration. 5.Established Taiwan eco-schools web hosting in EPA, and updated information about Taiwan eco-schools. 6.Compiled the instruction to eco-schools USA website.
Eco-Schools;Low carbon sustainable;Eco-Schools alliance